Voter Fraud in the Fat Bear Week Election! Oh My.

Not even the salmon stuffed bears in Katmai National Park are immune from butt heads trying to mess with a legitimate election.  Last week, Calpeek brought you the details about the fat bear election because it is fun and interesting.  The National Parks Service bills Fat Bear Week as “an annual celebration of success” because bears need to live off their fat during their winter hibernation.  

Although Calpeek probably can’t take credit, we noticed after our Peek about it, Fat Bear Week became a major news story and social media delight.  But then scandal arrived.  On Sunday, Katmai National Park tweeted “Like bears stuff their face with fish, our ballot box, too, has been stuffed.”  But not to worry, election organizers were able to determine which votes were fraudulent and delete them. NPR declared the national park “a model of democratic transparency.”

Calpeek would like to congratulate the NPS and Katmai National Park for their efforts and suggest maybe they should consider managing other elections.  Congratulations also go out to bear 747 for winning the competition and to all the fat bears who are about to take a very long nap.  

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