All of us at Calpeek are eternally grateful for the incredible reporting that’s done across the state. As you know, we don’t consider ourselves to be a news site, but rather one that highlights and culminates stories that have “peeked” our interest, and then we may add our own sarcastic commentary now and then. Some of our sources rely on the support of its readers while others require traditional subscriptions. From CalMatters to LA Taco, the SFist to Politico, and the many other large and small local new sources in between, each provides an invaluable service that’s much needed as we continue to charter these crazy political waters. So now that you have a momentary break from giving to political campaigns, dig deep in those pockets and show your support to your local news outlet by donating or subscribing. Also, if you have a favorite local outlet that you turn to, please let us know by emailing us at