Here are a few races that did raise some eyebrows around the water cooler:
Former Member of Congress George Radanovich (R) was arguably the front-runner in the race for Senate District 4, yet he is currently losing to two Democrats who appear to be heading to the November General Election. The newly drawn SD 4 has a party registration of 37.4% Republican; 33.5% Democrat; and 20.5% NPP. With 6 Republican candidates out of 8 total candidates, it appears that the Republican candidates split the vote allowing two Democrats to move forward in what was expected to be a Republican seat. The IndyStar has a breakdown of the votes in the overlapping 13 counties.
In the race to replace former Assemblymember Autumn Burke, Robert Pullen-Miles and Tina Simone McKinnor are both winning and losing. That is not a typo. In the special election to fill the unexpired term in AD 62, McKinnor leads by 3% of the vote – they are the only two candidates in the run-off. Although it looks like McKinnor will fill out the remaining 7 months of Burke’s term, L.A. County is still counting ballots. In the primary election for the new AD 61 seat, Pullen-Miles leads by 7% of the vote among 5 candidates. Pullen-Miles and McKinnor will advance to the November election.
Similar to Los Angeles’ AD 61/62 races, San Diego’s AD 80 has candidates flipping the lead. In the special election run-off to replace former Assemblymember Lorena Gonazlez, David Alvarez has a strong lead over Georgette Gomez. In the primary election for the new AD 80, Gomez leads Alvarez by 3% of the vote. They are both headed to the November election.
Secretary of State candidate Rachael Hamm has received 11.5% of the vote as of today.
As Calpeek has previously explained, Hamm has been clear that she is not a witch. Maybe if she were a witch, she could have conjured up some more votes.