Congratulations to Katanji Brown Jackson for being confirmed as our newest U.S. Supreme Court Justice…
Francisco Gonzalez has passed away at the young age of 68. Gonzalez was one of…
Calpeek was saddened to learn of the death of Sacarmento Lobbyist, Kathy Lynch and her…
The Center for Judicial Excellence is proud to announce Taylor Jackson as their first Policy…
A very happy birthday to activist Leah Herzberg who is turning 100 on Sunday, March…
Mark Baldassare, who has led the Public Policy Institute of California for the last 15 years as President and CEO, announced he is stepping down at the end of the year.
Calpeek does not have enough space to talk about all the amazing aspects of former…
Calpeek would like to take a moment to send condolences to Congressmember Vic Fazio’s family. …