Today, we are looking at an interesting story in the San Diego Union-Tribune about some unenforced campaign rules in the city of Chula Vista.
Here are some quick updates on what’s happening in politics and government this week:
For a man not running for President, Gavin Newsom sure is busy increasing his national presence and jabbing Republicans…
L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva is going after his arch nemesis L.A. County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl…
Fresno County Democratic Party and Central Labor Council held a press conference to “discuss the political weaponization”…
Calpeek is hearing lots of comments about campaigns being “shoo-ins” and that they don’t need to worry about winning their campaign.
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about women registering to vote in high numbers since the decision to limit abortion rights.
Your future car may come standard with an alcohol monitoring device.
Mark Ridley-Thomas, DOJ, Sean Loloee, 2024 Election Day, and Gavin Newsom here are some quick updates in politics and government 9/16/2022
The Los Angeles Times’ Essential California Newsletter email subject line says it all: “barefoot, with a call of ‘bogus’”.